Texture is one of the key elements to successful graphic design. While you may not see its use in every design, it can play a large role in the outcome with very little implementation. That’s because everyone looks for texture in everything. We live in a world where everything has a texture, a tactile feel to it. Therefore, anytime texture is used in design, it elicits responses even if we don’t realize it is there.
There are many ways that you can use texture in graphic design. However, using it the right way is the challenge. Depending on how your texture is incorporated, it can entirely change how people interpret your designs. In this article, we explore texture, and some of the ways that textures in graphic design can be used.
Create Visual Interest
One of the most common uses of texture in design is to create visual interest for important elements within a piece.
Imagine that you’re creating a brochure for a car dealership. The brochure will have a lot of information, and it should be easy to find. In order to make it easier to navigate, you could add texture to the brochure.
This would create a visual interest that divides the information. The ability to draw the reader’s eye is especially useful if the information is very important. By adding texture, you are breaking up the information visually, making it easier to navigate the brochure.
Create a Real-World Feel
Texture can also be used to create a sense of realism in design. For example, if you are designing a travel brochure, you may want to add a realistic element such as a sandy background. This would create a visual representation of a beach and would give the brochure a more realistic feel.
You also do the same thing by using images of natural objects. If you want to create visual interest, you can set the images of natural objects in such a way that it creates a visual pattern.
Create Scale
Texture can also be used to create a sense of scale. In design, this can be useful if you want to make something appear larger or smaller than it really is.
For example, flat designs make it difficult to determine the scale of elements at times. Adding texture makes it easier to tell which elements relate to others in terms of size. This is because textures can fill in open spaces that confuse the eye and make it hard to determine scale.
Create Depth on a Flat Surface
Texture can also be used to create depth on a flat surface. This can be useful if you are creating a design that appears to be a flat surface. You can add depth and visual representation of depth by adding texture to your design, which creates layers.
One area where depth is seen often is in creating a logo with texture. The texture helps make the important elements of a design stand out, while also making the logo appear more real than any other 2D object.
Draw Attention
Another way to use texture in design is to draw attention to a certain element. This can be useful if you want to highlight certain information in your design.
By incorporating texture in certain areas, you can draw attention to those areas. For example, this can be particularly useful if you are designing a brochure and you want to draw attention to a call-to-action button. By incorporating the texture in the design around the button, you can draw attention to it.
Create Flow Between Design Elements
Texture can also be used to create flow between design elements. This is particularly useful when you want to draw attention between different design elements. IT creates a visual order within the piece, making it possible to guide the viewer and develop a narrative that helps make a connection.
Make Something Unique
Another way to use texture in design is to make something unique. This can be useful if you want to separate your design from others.
Many companies make logos with texture as a way of having them be more visually appealing while also adding detail that makes the logo more dynamic without being difficult to understand.
In many ways, a unique texture can be a unique feature of something that you make. The key is to adopt a texture that is different from many other options available.
Using a common texture in novel ways can also set a graphic design apart. The key to this is to make the texture a low-key but integral part of the overall design.
Provoke Emotional Responses
People respond to textures in a physical way, but that response can also be emotional.
For example, using a texture that makes a graphic design look like a realistic diamond may not trigger a physical response. Most people don’t remember what diamonds feel like. However, there is emotional context to diamonds that people are aware of.
Use textures to attach to those emotional responses, and viewers get more out of your designs. If used in marketing or advertising, this is an effective way to create an instant connection with your audience.
Tell Backstory Without Words
Last but not least, texture can be used to tell a story or add context to a design element without using words. Just like other design elements, the goal is to tell a cohesive narrative within your designs without having to rely on words. Textures do this by triggering emotional and physical responses, as well as memories and pattern recognition. Essentially, giving texture to your design lets the viewer interpret it in ways that less detailed design elements can help with.